Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, April 16, 2019
No. 136
Block A Schedule
International Food Day Schedule, Friday, 4/19:
8:10- 9:42 2nd Period
9:42- 9:52 Break
9:57-11:29 4th Period
11:34-12:05 Advisory
12:05-12:20 International Food Day Assembly-Front steps and along Key Route
12:20-1:05 Lunch
1:10-2:42 6th PeriodSeniors: Achievers will be here on Thursday, 4/18 during lunch in the atrium to hand out announcement and class ring orders.
Seniors: Please make sure that you look over the blue Senior Activities List. There are several important upcoming dates. Please stop by the Main Office to pick one up if you have misplaced the list.
Seniors: Remember that the extra graduation ticket request letter written by your parents is due by Friday, April 26.
College and Career
Hey Seniors! Still unsure about which community college to enroll in next year? Come to AHS's first ever Community College Fair on Wednesday, April 17th during lunch in the atrium and in front of the school (weather permitting). Meet representatives from several local community colleges including Berkeley City College. See you there!
Seniors!--The Seal of Biliteracy Award applications are now available in the Counseling Office for students who have completed four (4) years of the same world language. Deadline for submission is Friday, April 26.
Clubs and Teams
Auditions for the Theatre Ensemble’s student run shows are this Wednesday after school in M2. Look in your email for audition forms that need to be printed out.
Please help support the Albany High Boy's Golf Team by dining at (or ordering takeout from) Chipotle at 1050 Gilman Street in Berkeley on Monday, April 22nd from 5pm - 9pm. Mention Albany Boy's Golf at checkout and 33% of the purchase price will be donated to the team.
Come to Key Club meeting in Room 205 at lunch today!
Boy’s Tennis @ All Day
Boy’S Golf @ 2:45
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.