To clear an absence, call 558-2600 or email If no one is available when you call, please leave a detailed message.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is expected from every student.

Students and parents/guardians accept responsibility for regular attendance.

It is expected that a parent will call the attendance office each day that their student is absent.

The following are legally excused absences as defined by the California Education Code:

  • Illness

  • Quarantine

  • Medical, Dental, Optometrical, Chiropractic Appointments

  • Funeral

  • Jury Duty

  • Justifiable Personal Reasons: parents must submit an advance written request and receive the approval of the principal. The Education Code defines justifiable personal reasons as funeral attendance, court appearance, religious holiday or ceremony observance, religious retreats, some pre-approved, work-related conferences, service on an elections precinct board, and/or participation in religious instruction of no more than one hour per week. (Education Code: 48205)

If a student has 10 or more absences for illness, the parent/guardian must provide a note from a licensed medical practitioner validating the student's illness or medical condition. If a note is not provided, student’s absences will not be cleared.

An absence is excused with a teacher if it is cleared within five school days from the start of the absence. If it is not cleared within those five days, the teacher will consider it an unexcused absence. No exceptions.

Assignments missed due to an unexcused absence or cut will be accepted solely at the discretion of the instructor.

For the purpose of completing missed assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, and grades, an absence is excused with a teacher only if it is cleared in the attendance office within five school days of the student's return to class.

All missed assignments must be completed and submitted within one week after the return from an excused absence unless other arrangements are made between the teacher and the student.

Students absent on the day of a school activity may not attend or participate in the activity unless the Principal/designee verifies the absence as an emergency. A student absent on Friday may not participate in school-sponsored weekend activities.

Students who have three or more unexcused absences in a grading period, may be restricted from attending or participating in extracurricular activities (this includes athletics, performing arts, student activities, dances, club activities, etc.)

Tardiness is not acceptable. It disrupts the class, hurts the morale of students who are on time, reflects negative attitude toward the class, creates disruptive problems in the hallways and on campus, and develops a habit, which could make future employment difficult. 

Students will be considered tardy if they are not in the classroom, in his or her seat when the bell rings and prepared to work. Habitual tardiness may result in further disciplinary action. All students must adhere to the tardy policy implemented by each teacher.

If an absence has been recorded in error, please report this to the attendance office and to the teacher for correction.

Leaving School Before the End of the School Day

Students may not leave campus without the school's knowledge and permission. Accordingly students leaving school during the day must obtain a Permit to Leave from the Attendance Office before leaving. Permission to grant a Permit to Leave will be by telephone call to/from parent or note from the parent. A written note is preferred. Students leaving campus for only a few periods must also sign in at the Attendance Office upon return.

Open Campus (lunch only)

Albany High School is an open campus at lunch only, and closed at all other times. Once students arrive on campus, they are expected to remain on campus unless prior arrangement by a parent is made with the Attendance Office.

Absences and Grading

Within a given grading period, a student with five (5) or more unexcused absences in a given subject may receive no better than a D grade for that period. An unexcused absence is an absence from class, which has not been excused through the attendance office by a parent, teacher, or other school official. Parents will be notified by the teacher upon the third (3rd) unexcused absence.

During the first three (3) grading periods, a student with excessive absences (more than fifteen (15) days) beyond the student's control may be given a no mark (NM) or an incomplete (I).

Receiving Homework During a Prolonged Absence

When a student will be out more than 2 days, call 558-2600 for homework. Please call before 10:00 a.m. and arrange to pick up the homework after 2:00 p.m. and before 4:00 p.m. Homework can be picked up from the Attendance Office.

If a student will be out for an extended period, please contact the student's counselor.

It is the student's responsibility to check with the teacher about make-up work.

Student Attendance Review Team (SART)

The Student Attendance Review Team will have the responsibility of working with parents of students who have been specifically identified as habitual attendance problems. The SART team will meet weekly and complement the SARB district process. Membership of this committee will include administrators, counselors, psychologist and teachers.