Daily Bulletin - Thursday, April 18, 2019

No. 138
Block A Schedule

  • General

  • International Food Day Schedule, Friday, 4/19:

    8:10- 9:42 2nd Period
    9:42- 9:52 Break 12:05-12:20 International Food Day-Front steps and along Key Route
    9:57-11:29 4th Period 12:20-1:05 Lunch
    11:34-12:05 Advisory 1:10-2:42 6th Period

  • Seniors: Achievers will be here today during lunch in the atrium to hand out announcement and class ring orders.

  • The AMS Drama Club is thrilled to announce that tickets for the school play, Once On This Island, Jr., are on sale now! Performances are May 16-19 at the Little Theatre at the high school. Thurs. and Fri. night performances are at 7:00, Sat. night at 8:00, and on Sunday at 2:00. You may purchase tickets for $10 in the AMS office before or after school or at lunch. Tickets are also available at www.brownpapertickets.com for $11.34. (Event # 4202500). All proceeds benefit the AMS Drama Club and fund our school productions. See you at the theatre!

  • AUSD SUMMER SCHOOL: AUSD Summer School is currently enrolling students. This 4-week, free program will be held from June 24 - July 19. There will be no summer school on July 4. The program will be held at Marin Elementary School. The courses being offered are English and History. Students who have failed an English or History class and need to make up those credits in order to graduate will be given priority enrollment. Students who have received a D in English or History may also request an opportunity to improve their grade in summer school, but enrollment to these students will be given on a first-come, first-served basis based on space in the program. Registration forms are now available in the counseling office. The deadline to register for AUSD Summer School is Friday, May 3. If you need to make up credits for English or History classes that you've earned a D or F in, please turn in your registration forms by May 3. Early registration is encouraged as changes can me made up to the day Summer School begins. Enrollment space is limited. Forms are in the counseling office.

College and Career

  • Seniors!--The Seal of Biliteracy Award applications are now available in the Counseling Office for students who have completed four (4) years of the same world language. Deadline for submission is Friday, April 26.

Clubs and Teams

  • Come to One Hearts Easter Celebration this Thursday during lunch at the picnic tables at Memorial Park. There will be hot dogs, music, and more! All are welcome.

  • Next week the AHS Earth Team will be hosting Earth Week: Meatless Monday, Transportation Tuesday, Walk and Roll Wednesday, Thrifty Thursday, and Forward Fans Friday.

  • Please help support the Albany High Boy's Golf Team by dining at (or ordering takeout from) Chipotle at 1050 Gilman Street in Berkeley on Monday, April 22nd from 5pm - 9pm. Mention Albany Boy's Golf at checkout and 33% of the purchase price will be donated to the team.


  • Boy’s Golf @ 2:15

  • Teacher lunch on 4/24. Let’s go to Spain! Most of our new re-usable cantinas are here so most of you will get a cantina with your lunch. Indulge in various paella’s, appetizers, and desserts. Order now! All gifts are welcomed just include name of person receiving gift. Order can be place at https://squareup.com/store/staff-lunches


Daily Bulletin - Friday, April 19, 2019


Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, April 16, 2019