Daily Bulletin - Thursday, May 31, 2018
No. 168
Block A Schedule
- Locker cleanup: Extra garbage cans will be placed in the halls for locker cleanup. 9th-11th graders may keep their assigned lockers for next year. Please remove all items from your lockers and leave them locked. Seniors must empty their lockers by Thursday, June 14.
- All Prom student volunteers should plan on attending the mandatory meeting on Friday during lunch in Room 213.
- Seniors: Graduation ticket distribution will be after school this week. Please check with the library and book room to see if you have any outstanding fines to clear before you can get your graduation tickets. Ticket distribution will be only at the end of the school day.
- Hey Seniors! We can't do Gradnight without YOU! Get your tickets now and secure your spot at this fun night! We need 100 students to sign up by May 31st to make this happen! Please stop by the office or go online to get your tickets today! Use password GoCougars at http://ahsgradnight2018.eventbrite.com
- Investigate this great opportunity to visit Italy next year with your friends. Come to informational meeting at lunch in Room 215 this Friday. Deadline to sign up is June 21. Don’t miss it!
College and Career
- AP Art History will be meeting today in Room 215 during lunch to discuss summer homework.
- AP Literature will be meeting on Friday, June 1st in Room M4 during lunch to discuss summer homework.
- AP Spanish Summer Homework Packets will be distributed in class this week to students currently enrolled in Spanish 4 with Ms. Ortega. Students NOT enrolled in Spanish 4 can pick them up from Profe in Room 213 at lunch or after school. Gracias!
Clubs and Team
- Anyone interested in Cross Country for the fall: There is a mandatory meeting at lunch today at 1:15pm in Room 313.
- Best Buddies Final Party & Senior Send-Off is today during lunch in Room 219.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.