Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, May 22, 2018

No. 162
Block A  Schedule


  • Seniors: Graduation ticket distribution will be after school starting today  till the last day of school. Please check with the  library, bookroom, and athletic director to see if  you have any outstanding fines to clear before you can get your graduation tickets. Ticket distribution will be only at the end of the school day.
  • Do you like money? We have some! You can have some too if you work for us. Come over to the Albany Aquatic Center and apply to work this summer so you can have some money too. 
  • Prom is right around the corner, June 2nd.   Tickets will be sold again 5/21 – 5/25 for $95. Dance agreements and list of people who qualify for $5 off prom tickets because of Spring Fling are available on the leadership board.
  • The AHS Theater Ensemble is having a meeting with all interested parents tonight  at 7 pm in room M2 (portables). We will be discussing new ideas for Theatre Ensemble and how we will be changing the Ensemble for next year. This would be of interest to anyone in the community, whether your student is in the club or not, who is interested in keeping the performing arts club at AHS.  Let Ms. Oremland know if you have any questions. 
  • EDSET course will be meeting on Friday, May 25th during Advisory in Room M2 to discuss summer homework.
  • Bike to School Day is this Thursday, May 24th! Bike or roll to school and pick up a free bag of bike gear and snacks in the morning.
  • If you want a free planner, see Ms. Salas in the bookroom.
  • Thursday, May 24th is the last day of the Venture Store- ever! Most items are 40% off. Get your stuff now!

ollege and Career

  • Attention students signing up for AP and Honors courses for the 2018-19 school year. Rosters are now posted outside the Counseling Office. Please take note of the courses that have summer homework sessions.

Clubs and Team

  • Come to Mr. Places Room 303 for the first Science Bowl meeting of the year after school, we will have food!
  • Best Buddies Movie Day is on Thursday, May 24th.Meet in the Little Theater
  • Want  to get you art published in an online magazine? Email albanyartmagazine@gmail.com


  • Boys Varsity Baseball @ 3:00

Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Daily Bulletin - Monday, May 21, 2018