Daily Bulletin - Monday, January 22, 2018
No. 87
Monday Schedule
- This Week Schedule
- Monday—Regular Schedule
- Tuesday—Period 1 & 3 final. 12:26p release.
- Wednesday—Period 2 & 4 final. 12:26p release.
- Thursday—Period 5 & 7 final. 12:26p release.
- Friday—Period 6 final & Advisory. 12:26p release.
- The library will be closing at 2pm on Finals days next week. The library will have regular hours on Monday, which is not a finals day.
College and Career
- Schedule change requests forms are available starting Friday January 19th in the main office. Please fill out the form and return to the counseling office on the following dates.
- 11th and 12th Tuesday 1/23 12:30pm to 1:30pm
- 9th and 10th grade Wednesday 1/.24 12:30 to 1:30pm.
- Please note all classes are year long and do not allow mid-year entry. Exceptions for Service and courses needed to meet graduation requirements or college eligible seniors.
- AP Students: This is the last week to register for exams without late fees. What are you waiting for? Don't pay more! Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. Visit the registration site for details.
- Looking for free SAT prep help? Sign-up at bit.ly/PTPSspring18. Classes start in February!
- Hey Cougars: The Graduate for Mas challenge has officially begun. If you haven't already done so, sign-up at getschooled.com and start earning points, prizes and rewards today. Once registered you will be eligible to apply for the Live Mas scholarship with $1,000,000 in available award money and you don't have to be a senior to apply. Our first goal is to earn 300 points school-wide. Help us hit the mark by signing up today!
- This weekend the East Bay Regional Park District is holding it's 4th Annual Youth Job Fair. Anyone with an interested in working in the great outdoors, with children, around aquatics, and ensuring public safety should attend. Lunch will be provided for free. For more information visit EBparks.org.
Clubs and Teams
- Bio Club on Tuesday in Room 306! We will have a bake sale today after finals!
- BSU will not be meeting this Thursday but will meet next Thursday in Rm 104.
- Animal Shelter Club meets today at lunch in Rm 218.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.