Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, August 30, 2017
No. 2
Block B Schedule
- In order to request a schedule change, line up outside of the Counseling Office on Wednesday, August 30th after school. Very limited changes can be made at this time. If you were placed in the wrong level of a class or have 2 of the same class, for example English, please come see your counselor during that class period prior to Wednesday. You Do NOT need to stand in line if you want to add service to your schedule. Please pick up a service contract in the counseling office and once returned to your counselor your service will be added. Happy first week of school!
- SENIORS! Curious about the date/time of your senior portrait? Please visit the counseling, attendance, or main office to confirm your portrait session. Information on how to change your appointment sessions will also be available.
- Students who had their picture taken, but didn’t pick up their ID card can get them in the attendance office.
- Lockers will be issued to freshman and new students next week at lunchtime at the book room window. Students with last names R-Z may come on Tuesday, A-H on Wednesday and I-Q on Thursday. You must share a locker with a partner. Locks are $5. Continuing students may get new lockers or change lockers beginning Friday, Sept. 8.
Clubs and Teams
- Club Presidents Meeting during Advisory, September 6: All current club presidents or those wishing to start a club should attend. Contact Sarah Hartono over school email to secure a spot and pass out during Advisory.
- Club Rush is on September 13. Check out the courtyard for clubs and treats!
- Come to Room 213 for Indian Association. We will have food.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.