Daily Bulletin - Friday, September 1, 2017
No. 4
Block B Schedule
- From Principal Ritchie, here is her Friday food for thought. In their ad, Cheerios says that good goes around. I encourage everyone at Albany High School to remember that and, to add that respect goes around as well. Please encourage yourselves and others to demonstrate respect to the people and property that make up our school community. If you see a mess, help clean it up or call the office to notify someone that we need help. Together, we can keep the good and the respect going around Albany High School. Thank you!"
- No school on Monday, September 4th – Labor Day
- SENIORS! Curious about the date/time of your senior portrait? Please visit the counseling, attendance, or main office to confirm your portrait session. Information on how to change your appointment sessions will also be available.
- Lockers will be issued to freshman and new students next week at lunchtime at the book room window. Students with last names R-Z may come on Tuesday, A-H on Wednesdayand I-Q on Thursday. You must share a locker with a partner. Locks are $5. Continuing students may get new lockers or change lockers beginning Friday, Sept. 8.
College and Career
- In the next week’s college visit line-up we have: COLGATE UNIVERSITY on FRIDAY at 2:00. Come visit with the person who may be reading your application … Sign-up in the Counseling Office today!
Clubs and Teams
- Attention Sophomores! All sophomores interested in Boys Volleyball should attend the mandatory meeting in room 212 at lunch on Tuesday, September 9th.
- Attention Sophomores! All sophomores interested in powderpuff should go to the mandatory meeting today in room 212 at lunch.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.