Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, October 31, 2017
No. 44
Block A Schedule
- Seniors: Achievers will be here at lunch today to take your cap/gown, class ring, and announcement orders. Please stop by the Main Office to get an order packet.
- The Senior Panoramic picture will be taken on Wednesday, November 1 in the gym during Advisory. Seniors will go to their Advisory class first and then proceed to the gym.
College and Career
- Want to travel during Spring Break? Interested in Environmental Leadership and Cultural Exchange? Attend the Global Student Embassy info session today at lunch in Room 303.
- In today's college visit line-up, we have UC Santa Cruz. Registration is closed. Those who RSVP'd and received an e-mail confirmation from Ms. Parrott must still have a signed visit slip to attend.
Clubs and Teams
- The AHS Choir program is having a boba sale Tuesday, October 31st (Halloween) in front of the art building. Bring your friends and treat yourself to some delicious boba!
- Best Buddies Club Meeting, Thursday November 2nd during lunch in Room 219.
- Bio Club today at lunch in Room 306.
- The Model UN Club will meet Wednesday at lunch in Room 207.
- Join Jewish Student Union for our first meeting on Wednesday at lunch in Room 314.
- Come by Bake For Charity Club today at lunch in Room 128 in the art building and join us for our Halloween Party!
- Hapa Club: Meet at the amphitheater steps at 1:35pm for our yearbook photo!
- Girls Tennis @ All Day
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.