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Berkeley Food and Housing Project Item Drive

AHS Leadership students organized an item drive to benefit the Berkeley Food and Housing Project, a local organization that helps homeless members of our community. We are collecting donations in bins located at the atrium of the high school. All items must be new, and please make sure your donations come from this list. If you are able, please take the opportunity to help our fellow community members get through this difficult time.

The event runs until this Friday, November 20.

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Congratulations to Our COVID-19 Poster Contest Winners!

Over the summer, AUSD held a COVID-19 poster contest to promote COVID-19 safety rules in school. The contest was open to all middle and high school students.

The requirements for submissions were as follows:

  • Focus on one or all of these themes: hand washing, social distancing, masks, and/or mental health issues during the pandemic

  • Must have a positive visual and verbal message and illustrate COVID-19 Safety Rules

  • Must include on each poster: Sponsor: U.S. 2020 Census

  • All work must be original. Can be a sketch, painting, graphic art, etc.

Posters were judged in 2 categories: Most Creative and Visual Effectiveness. The judges were Albany High Student Board Members Audrey Mallah and Leo Corzo-Clark, and Alexia Ritchie, Executive Director of Student Services.

The following were selected as the winning entries:

First place: Yu-Ching (Mimi) Chuang (AHS grade 12)

First place: Yu-Ching (Mimi) Chuang (AHS grade 12)

Second placer: Daniella Son (AHS grade 12)

Second placer: Daniella Son (AHS grade 12)

Third place: Chao Wu (AHS grade 12)(not pictured)

The winning posters will be displayed on school site campuses for the 2020-2021 school year. Congratulations! Thank you to all participants who submitted an entry.

Special thanks to ACOE and the 2020 Census Campaign for sponsoring this event.

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Take the Meals! 3 Free Meals And a Snack!

Recent federal funding now allows AUSD to expand our food services to provide three (3) meals and a snack FREE for ALL children 18 and under.

The Albany School Food Project is pleased to announce that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued another waiver that allows us to provide supper and snack in addition to the breakfast and lunch we are currently serving. The USDA is covering the cost for these meals during COVID-19. You are not taking away from someone who may need it more.

Beginning Monday, November 2nd, AUSD will serve these additional grab and go meals FREE to ALL children 18 and under (regardless of enrollment in the district or eligibility for free/reduced meals). Meals can be picked up at the Albany High School multipurpose room on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30am - 1:30pm.

Children do not need to be present to pick up food and no barcode is required. Social distancing measures are in effect and face coverings are required.

Please feel free to contact Chef Sabina with any questions: 510-558-2608.

Note: Food services will be closed on the following dates due to holidays: November 11 and 25-27th.

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Student Musicians Perform Virtual Fall Concert

By Symphony Cheung, Amelia Grandrath, and Mia Sternad


Led by director Craig Bryant, orchestra and band members hosted a fall concert on October 20. All of the pieces were live streamed on Albany Music Fund’s Facebook page, and 140 viewers watched the live event. The stream was also recorded and can still be viewed on the page.

Band and orchestra have reoriented most of their plans for the school year. Both instrumental groups are holding virtual rehearsals, and students report it has been nothing less than complicated.

According to senior Eli Jordan, during [band/orchestra] rehearsals “we play along with Mr. Bryant for warmups while on mute, he will brief us on what to record for the day, and [then] we will have async[hronous] time to record our piece for the day.”

The new plan to play without an ensemble is very different from what these students are used to, but despite the difficulties in practicing, Albany High musicians are learning new skills in recording and mixing music.

“The kids are now like certified recording engineers,” Mr. Bryant said as he introduced the first song of the evening, “Wood Splitter Fanfare” performed by the string orchestra.

Senior Colin O’Brien, president of the student-led Instrumental Music Board, is optimistic about future plans for this year.

“We’re also trying to do some more music related assignments that don't involve playing together,” O’Brien said. “We’re in the process of starting a book in jazz band by Wynton Marsalis and have talked about learning more music theory or working on our own arrangements.”

This fall concert was different from any other concert in the school’s history, and Mr. Bryant is proud of what they were able to produce with how little they had to work with.

“The students have done a nice job, and I am happy with our progress,” he said.

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Choir Delivers First Virtual Performance of the Year

By Isabella Callow, Mariam Gohar, and Zoe O’Hara

As distance learning continues, so do the choir performances. Despite obvious challenges, choir students worked hard to produce their first virtual concert on October 22.

The show was pre-recorded and easily accessible for the Albany community on YouTube at Albany Vocal Music. The full livestream is still available online and the individual pieces can be found on the same YouTube channel. Since the show was virtual, it was free, but the performance also raised money through donations for the music program.


Senior Chloe Park, member of the Choir Council, reported that students participate in “both virtual rehearsals and small-group in person ones (masks on and social distance of course).”

For virtual practices, “Ms. Stocker will have us sing and record the part of a song we learned in that class,” Park said. “Then, by the next class, she compiles it altogether and plays it for us while we sing, so we have something to sing along to.”

“On my end of the call, it really does feel like a regular choir rehearsal because you can see and hear,” Park said. “It's really amazing when you think about all the work Ms. Stocker has put into making sure our experience stays consistent for us.”

Choir instructor Mary Stocker ended the night with praise for the choir members.

“It has been so amazing and fantastic to see so much spirit and energy and engagement from every single student,” she said.

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Albany Groups Advocate for Proposition 15

By Sereene Chaman, Cat Collins, Emma Loenicker, and Lucille Marten

Albany’s Young Democratic Socialists of America and Albany Teachers Association are among many groups advocating for Proposition 15, an initiative that would change the tax system that Proposition 13 implemented, to be decided on November 3rd. If Prop 15 passes, public schools like Albany High would benefit from the substantial increase in funding.

Prop 15 would increase taxes on properties worth over three million dollars and use that money to increase funding for K-12 public schools, community colleges, and local governments. It would also exempt small businesses from the personal property tax. Opponents of Prop 15 include the California Chamber of Commerce, California Retailers Association, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and the California NAACP.

Student advocates believe the proposition will have positive consequences.

“Prop 15 has a very widespread impact; everyone from teachers to social workers to nurses will benefit,” said Ben Gripman, a YDSA member. “Prop 15 would reclaim billions [of dollars] in tax revenue which would be reinvested into schools, public works projects and community service.”

Local organizations such as Albany Teachers Association and YDSA are busy campaigning for Prop 15. The YDSA chapter at AHS, @ydsa.albany on Instagram, has been vocal in their support via social media, where they created a hashtag: #Albfor15. Participants were asked to take a photo wearing red and post it with a second photo of more information on the proposition.

Social science teacher Chris Knight, in his role as co-president of the teacher’s union, also endorsed the tenets of Prop 15 out of “concern as a citizen for badly needed public services.”

Mr. Knight said that social science teacher Miriam Walden, ATA’s political action chair whose pedigree includes 20 years as a community organizer, was the one to introduce him to the merits of this issue.

Ms. Walden has always been an outspoken advocate against the tax system created by Proposition 13.

“Big corporations and trusts that own commercial properties can use Prop 13 to avoid property tax increases,” Ms. Walden said.

Senior Dahlia Wilson, a YDSA member, described Prop 15 as an opportunity to fix financial problems in California schools.

“California has been robbed of billions of dollars a year for schools and social services by a tax system that favors the ultra-wealthy. Prop 15 is our chance to change that,” Wilson said. “I fight for Prop 15 because I don’t want to see schools a decade from now still struggling with oversized classes, high teacher turnover, and even more budget cuts.”

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COVID-19 Information & Readiness Dashboard

Following the Alameda County Public Health Department guidance, Albany Unified School District has launched a readiness Dashboard to help track our preparedness to reopen schools. The Dashboard, which will be updated weekly, is intended as a transparent means for the community to track AUSD progress toward reopening our schools.

Target Dates for Pivoting to Hybrid Instruction: (BOE approved on 10/8/20 & subject to change)

  • November 2: Preschool Hubs (teacher/student ratio 1:7) & Hubs for our most vulnerable students

  • November 30: Preschool (teacher/student ratio 1:14)

  • January 4: TK-1st Grade

  • January 11: 2nd-3rd Grade

  • January 18: 4th-5th Grade

  • February 1: 6th-12th Grade

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Superintendent’s Forum Series: Nov. 5th & Dec. 10th

COVID-19 and Reopening Schools Community Information Nights

Thursday November 5th, 2020 6:00-8:00pm via Zoom
Reopening Schools: Health and Safety Protocols

Join Executive Director of Student Services, Director of Facilities and our District Nurse on the application and enforcement of the reopening plan specifically related to the health components needed to keep all students, staff and families safe.

  • School reopening guidance from Alameda County Public Health Department

  • Preventing transmission

  • Health screening

  • COVID District and School Site LIaison roles

  • Case investigation and contact tracing

  • Communication/Exposure letters to the community

Thursday December 10th, 2020 6:00-9:00pm
Reopening Schools: Program options

District staff will provide an update on the instructional programs being developed for students returning to a hybrid model of instruction or continuing with remote instruction for the 2020-21 school year.

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Get Involved With Youth Spirit Artworks’ Tiny House Village Project

by Xinxin Duan, EDSET class of 2022

If you are looking to make an impact by empowering young people in the community, you may want to consider getting involved with Youth Spirit Artworks (YSA)’s Tiny House Village Project.

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It is difficult for young people who experience homelessness or are at risk for homelessness to find employment and housing. In light of the recent pandemic and wildfires, low-income and unhoused youth are among those experiencing the most consequences. YSA’s Tiny House Village Project was created to combat the issue of youth homelessness and unemployment. The organization is looking for dedicated young people in the community who will help to move this project forward as it approaches its final stage.

Youth Spirit Artworks is a non-profit organization in South Berkeley that provides homeless and low-income youth in the Bay Area with job skill training, opportunities, and empowerment through art programs. At YSA, young people ages 16-25 can participate in art workshops and a professional development program.

In 2017, young people in YSA programs started a campaign to build a group of affordable residential units for Bay Area youth experiencing homelessness. For the past few years, YSA youth have been collaborating with volunteers to build a village of affordable Tiny Houses for underserved youth.

In addition to Tiny Houses painted with beautiful murals by YSA youth, the village includes restrooms, kitchens, and community spaces to be used by residents.

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With the support of many volunteers in the community, YSA has just completed its first 26 Tiny Houses in East Oakland, which are ready to be moved into. They plan to continue building Tiny Houses and eventually reach their 10-year goal of “100 Homes for 100 Homeless Youth.”

If you are interested in construction and other hands-on activities, you may want to get involved with YSA by volunteering on-location. During the weekly build days, there are many jobs to do, such as helping to build Tiny Houses and yurts, doing bicycle maintenance, and painting fences and planters. If you are a young person who has experienced homelessness or has been at risk for homelessness, you can become a participant in the YSA program. In this program, participants can be trained in art sales and nonprofit management skills, receive assistance accessing educational and vocational resources, and work on their leadership skills.

To learn more about Youth Spirit Artworks and the Tiny House Village Project, visit their website at If you are interested in volunteering or becoming a program participant at YSA, please contact Jilly de la Torre, the Tiny House Project Coordinator, at

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