Get Involved With Youth Spirit Artworks’ Tiny House Village Project

by Xinxin Duan, EDSET class of 2022

If you are looking to make an impact by empowering young people in the community, you may want to consider getting involved with Youth Spirit Artworks (YSA)’s Tiny House Village Project.

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It is difficult for young people who experience homelessness or are at risk for homelessness to find employment and housing. In light of the recent pandemic and wildfires, low-income and unhoused youth are among those experiencing the most consequences. YSA’s Tiny House Village Project was created to combat the issue of youth homelessness and unemployment. The organization is looking for dedicated young people in the community who will help to move this project forward as it approaches its final stage.

Youth Spirit Artworks is a non-profit organization in South Berkeley that provides homeless and low-income youth in the Bay Area with job skill training, opportunities, and empowerment through art programs. At YSA, young people ages 16-25 can participate in art workshops and a professional development program.

In 2017, young people in YSA programs started a campaign to build a group of affordable residential units for Bay Area youth experiencing homelessness. For the past few years, YSA youth have been collaborating with volunteers to build a village of affordable Tiny Houses for underserved youth.

In addition to Tiny Houses painted with beautiful murals by YSA youth, the village includes restrooms, kitchens, and community spaces to be used by residents.

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With the support of many volunteers in the community, YSA has just completed its first 26 Tiny Houses in East Oakland, which are ready to be moved into. They plan to continue building Tiny Houses and eventually reach their 10-year goal of “100 Homes for 100 Homeless Youth.”

If you are interested in construction and other hands-on activities, you may want to get involved with YSA by volunteering on-location. During the weekly build days, there are many jobs to do, such as helping to build Tiny Houses and yurts, doing bicycle maintenance, and painting fences and planters. If you are a young person who has experienced homelessness or has been at risk for homelessness, you can become a participant in the YSA program. In this program, participants can be trained in art sales and nonprofit management skills, receive assistance accessing educational and vocational resources, and work on their leadership skills.

To learn more about Youth Spirit Artworks and the Tiny House Village Project, visit their website at If you are interested in volunteering or becoming a program participant at YSA, please contact Jilly de la Torre, the Tiny House Project Coordinator, at


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