Congratulations to Our COVID-19 Poster Contest Winners!

Over the summer, AUSD held a COVID-19 poster contest to promote COVID-19 safety rules in school. The contest was open to all middle and high school students.

The requirements for submissions were as follows:

  • Focus on one or all of these themes: hand washing, social distancing, masks, and/or mental health issues during the pandemic

  • Must have a positive visual and verbal message and illustrate COVID-19 Safety Rules

  • Must include on each poster: Sponsor: U.S. 2020 Census

  • All work must be original. Can be a sketch, painting, graphic art, etc.

Posters were judged in 2 categories: Most Creative and Visual Effectiveness. The judges were Albany High Student Board Members Audrey Mallah and Leo Corzo-Clark, and Alexia Ritchie, Executive Director of Student Services.

The following were selected as the winning entries:

First place: Yu-Ching (Mimi) Chuang (AHS grade 12)

First place: Yu-Ching (Mimi) Chuang (AHS grade 12)

Second placer: Daniella Son (AHS grade 12)

Second placer: Daniella Son (AHS grade 12)

Third place: Chao Wu (AHS grade 12)(not pictured)

The winning posters will be displayed on school site campuses for the 2020-2021 school year. Congratulations! Thank you to all participants who submitted an entry.

Special thanks to ACOE and the 2020 Census Campaign for sponsoring this event.


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