Daily Bulletin – May 25, 2022
Today’s Wellness Week activities: Line Dancing w/ Mrs. Grogans in the Gym & Watercolor Painting w/ Ms. Niles in Room 126. Wellness tip for the day: Taking a break from studying to clear your head, go for a run, take a yoga class, or go for a walk is a good distraction from the stress of your studies. Physical exercise positively impacts levels of serotonin & releases endorphins, the body’s natural happy chemicals.
Math Hour is open all week except Friday! Come by after school to the Library Computer Lab for some help. Math Hour will be closed all Finals Week.
All students in grades 9-11 should log in to Aeries ASAP to check your Course Selection for next year. If you would like to make a corrections please submit the google form that was emailed to you on Monday May 23rd by the counselors. Deadline is May 31st.
The cap and gowns will be available in the Main Office during lunch and afterschool. Only for the Senior that place and order to be delivered at the school. The last day for pickup is Thursday, May 26th
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.