Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, May 28, 2019

No. 166
Block A Schedule


  • This week’s schedule: Monday, May 27 Memorial Day- No School and Wednesday, May 29, Block B Assembly Schedule

  • Albany High School staff and students will be conducting an emergency evacuation drill on Wednesday, May 29. During this assembly schedule drill, I ask our school community to contribute towards this important opportunity to practice safety measures and procedures respectfully. Your help allows us to assess our strengths and challenges accurately and create substantial next steps with our emergency protocols. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Principal Ritchie

  • Come to the Art Show on Thursday May 30th from 4-6pm. There will be work from all of the art classes on display throughout the atrium and art building. There will also be face painting, henna tattoos, and a photo booth in the MPR. Come support the arts and see all of the amazing work students have been creating all year long!

  • Seniors: Graduation ticket distribution will be after till the last week of school. Ticket distribution will be only at the end of the school day when all classes end.

  • Seniors: Please check with the bookroom and athletic director to see if you have any outstanding fines, textbooks, and athletic team gear to turn in.

  • Come all to Planning Meeting for travel to London and Amsterdam next school year. All interested students invited to join in.

College and Career

  • Attention all students who have signed up to take AP Comparative Government and World Religions next year: the first meetings of the class will be held at lunch on Tuesday, May 28 and Thursday, May 30. The meetings will begin promptly (ten minutes into the lunch period). You must attend one of these meetings.

  • SFSU will be teaching Steps to College courses at AHS next fall. Stop by room 201 on Thursday May 30th to learn more.

Clubs and Teams

  • Come to Feminist Club in Room 109A today at lunch to hear about our upcoming museum trip. Bring 4 dollars on Tuesday if you plan on attending the trip.


Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Daily Bulletin - Friday, May 24, 2019