Daily Bulletin - Friday, March 29, 2019
No. 129
Block B Schedule
Diversity Week Phrases of the Day:
English: Have a nice weekend!
French: Bon weekend!
Mandarin: Zhōu mò kuài lè! 周末快乐! (Zh : z with tongue curled; le: “the”)
Spanish: ¡Buen fin de semana!The AHS Library will be closed all day Thursday and Friday, March 28-29th, because the Freshman Forum presentations will be taking place in the library. Students will not be able to print during the school day. Please make plans accordingly.
Calling ALL STUDENTS! Please come and check the lost and found in the attendance office. Our next donation will be the week of Spring break! Come and claim your items before they are GONE!!!
Albany High school is joining other students and educators from Alameda County to advocate for increased funding for education. That advocacy will take shape in the form of a rally in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 3. The purpose of the rally is to bring educators, students, communities & families together to advocate for the schools our children deserve. Those who attend this field trip will have an opportunity to hear school board members and educators speaking in support of increased funding for public education. If students are interested in attending this one day field trip to Sacramento on Wednesday, April 3rd, seats are limited and available on a first come basis. They can pick up a permission slip in the attendance office and see Liz or Alexia for more information. If staff would like to attend, we do need a limited number of chaperones. If you would like to go but not as a chaperone, you'll need to take a PNC day. Let me know if you are interested in going and secure your sub today!
Congratulations to all 23 artists in the World Languages Poster Contest. Top votes went to Mimi Chuang, Ethan Guok, Evelyn Wu, Selina Yong, Vida Lopez-St. John, Allison Lin and Daniella Son. Posters are on display by the Main Office, so enjoy!
Seniors: Remember that the extra graduation ticket request letter written by your parents is due on Friday, April 26.
College and Career
Seniors- this is a reminder that the Local Scholarship Application and Purdom Family Scholarship Application are due by this Friday March 29 in the Counseling office. Scholarship are available for students planning to attend both 2 year and 4 year colleges, as well as vocational programs- copies are available in the counseling office.
A free SAT practice exam will be offered at the Albany Library on April 6, 1pm-4:45pm. Get realistic practice and receive a score report pinpointing your strengths and weaknesses, available online one week after the exam. Space is limited and registration is required. Register at the library or online at https://events.aclibrary.org/event/5243282.
Clubs and Teams
The Albany Young Democratic Socialists had a great first meeting! Come back to Room 205 today at lunch!
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.