Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, October 15, 2019
No. 34
Block A Schedule
Today is the last day of Hispanic Heritage Month, so "Muchas gracias" to all the Spanish students and instructors who contributed to the wonderful display on the first floor and the daily announcements. "Orale!" (All right!)
Seniors: On Wednesday, 10/16, there is a senior advisory meeting with Achievers in the LT regarding cap and gown information.
Tickets for the Homecoming Dance will be sold after school in front of the main building this week. Tickets are $5, and $8 at the door. You must turn in a dance agreement form prior to purchasing your ticket. Guest forms are also available and must be signed by an administrator.
Want to gain points for Homecoming? Donate Canned food. Starting Thursday 10 until Thursday 17. The Barrels are located under the stairs. Make sure to put them in the corresponding bin according to your grade. Any cheating will be penalized.
Come to the Homecoming Movie Night Singalong hosted by the choir program! We'll be watching High School Musical at 6:30 in the Little Theater on Wednesday, October 16th. Entry is free, but there will be concessions!
College and Career
AP Exam registration has closed. Unpaid exams have been dropped. Be sure that your Total Registration exams match your College Board exams. Any exams not enrolled through the College Board cannot be ordered and will be dropped from Total Registration. E-mail ahs_ap@ausdk12.org with any questions.
In this week's college visit line-up we have: UCLA, University of Toronto, Simmons College, American University, Colby College, St. Joseph's College, Brandeis University, Columbia University, Linfield College, Allegheny College. See details on the AHS website in the General Events calendar.
University of California-Los Angeles will be on campus today in the Counseling Department Conference Room from 10:45 to 11:25. Contact your counselor or Ms. Parrott regarding same-day sign-ups. All students must have a signed visit slip to attend.
University of Toronto will be on campus this afternoon in the Main Office Conference Room. View details on the AHS website in the General Events calendar. Contact your counselor or Ms. Parrott regarding same-day sign-ups. All students must have a signed visit slip to attend.
Hey Cougars! Interested in aviation? How about space travel? Get details about what the Air Force has to offer in these areas during their info session on Friday. View details on the AHS website in the General Events calendar. Then see your counselor or Ms. Parrott to sign-up.
Simmons College will be on campus tomorrow morning in the Counseling Department Conference Room. View details on the AHS website in the General Events calendar. Then register through Naviance. Space is limited, so sign up soon!
Colby College will be on campus tomorrow in the Counseling Department Conference Room during lunch. View details on the AHS website in the General Events calendar. Contact Ms. Parrott or your counselor regarding same-day sign-ups.
St. Joseph's College will be on campus tomorrow afternoon in the Main Office Conference Room. View details on the AHS website in the General Events calendar. Then register through Naviance. Space is limited so sign up soon!
Clubs and Teams
Students intending to try out for basketball, wrestling and soccer: remind your parents to register you through the family ID system! Only students properly cleared by October 31st can participate in winter sports
AHS Boys Soccer: Come to the first meeting for the 2019-2020 season on Tuesday October 15th at 3:40 PM in Room 218. This meeting is for players, coaches and managers only. At the meeting we will talk about tryouts, schedule, fundraising and other things. We will also have registration forms and medical clearance forms on hand.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.