Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, September 5, 2018
No. 6
Block B Schedule
- Lockers will be issued to Freshmen and new students at lunchtime on Wednesday, Sept. 5- Thursday, Sept. 6. Students with last names I-Q may come on Wednesday and names A-H on Thursday. Students must share lockers with a partner. Continuing students may get new lockers or change lockers beginning Friday, Sept. 7.
- Freshmen students - a reminder to come pick up your free student planner in the Bookroom if you haven't already. Bookroom hours are 8-1.
- Seniors: Senior Portraits will be held in the library from 9/4- 9/7. You should have received in the mail more information in regards to your appointment date, time, and package information. If you are not sure your senior portrait date and time, please stop by the Main Office to confirm your senior portrait.
College and Career
- Looking for free SAT prep help? Sign-up at http://bit.ly/prePTPSf18. Today is the last day to get on the waiting list. Classes start on Tuesday!
- Attention Cougars: Are you already looking for ways to pay for college? Check out the scholarship section of Naviance to view contests and scholarships available at any grade.
Clubs and Teams
- To returning Model United Nations members, we will be having a meeting today in Room 207.
- Wrestling will be doing pre-season workouts on Mondays from 4-5 with a run and then 5-6 in the weight room. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm in the wrestling room. Pre-season is optional but recommended, so get a jump on the season!
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.