Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, September 11, 2018
No. 10
Block A Schedule
Students: The deadline to post in the daily bulletin this year is 1:30pm. The announcements should be two sentences or less and short in length and can be posted for 2 days.
Flex Tutoring is right around the corner. If you are interested in being a tutor this year, please come to an informational meeting [Thursday/today] at the beginning of lunch in M1.
College and Career
In tomorrow's college visit line-up we have: Rutgers and Florida Poly. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) on Naviance.
Clubs and Teams
Come to Key Club meeting in Room 205 during lunch today!
Feminist Club today at lunch! First meeting for all rethinkers. Come to classroom 214B. There will be snacks.
Best Buddies Party is on Thursday, September 13th during lunch in Room 219.
Girls Golf @ 2:45
Girls Tennis @ 3:00
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.