Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
No. 142
Block A Schedule
- Friday, April 27th will be a Block B Assembly Schedule.
- Last chance to pre-purchase yearbooks. Cost is $90 and checks can be written to AHS and given to Ms. Radford. Cut off date is Friday, April 28. Some books will be available for purchase during distribution days in June. Questions? Email jradford@ausdk.12org.
- Seniors: The extra graduation ticket request letter from your parent/guardian is due to the Main Office by Friday, April 27th.
- Seniors: You might qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy, an award from the State of California and sponsored by Albany High School. These forms are available with your Foreign Language teachers and also in the Counseling Office. Please turn them in to the Counseling Office by April 27th.
- Seniors: If you have not yet ordered your cap and gown, please stop by the Main Office to get information packet.
- SECOND ANNUAL AAB PASTA DINNER, APRIL 27TH, 6-9pm at Albany Veterans Memorial hall. Tickets $15 until 4/25, then $20 until event, space permitting. Volunteer opportunities at http://signup.com/go/mEhJTPi. Tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-albany-athletics-boosters-pasta-dinner-tickets-44584792314).
College and Career
- Hey Juniors the counselors ar hosting a Financial aid night just for you and your families on Wednesday May 2nd from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the library. Don't miss out on leaning about what colleges offer the most merit-based scholarship money, state vs private college and how to pay for your future.
- Hey Seniors! If you’re not sure about what you're doing after high school, you should attend the YMCA's "Plan Your Next Move" event this weekend. Talk to leaders in the business, healthcare, science & law industries from companies such as Kaiser, LinkedIn & NASA. You'll get a professional headshot and have the opportunity to win prizes. The event is free and food will be provided. Register online at career.yscholars.org.
Clubs and Teams
- Stop by Feminist Club to have a discussion with world renowned Bay-Area-based journalist, Peggy Orenstein.
- Boys TCAL Playoffs @ 9:00
- Boys Golf @ 2:30
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.