Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, April 18, 2018

No. 138
Block B Assembly  Schedule


  • Today, April 18th, Candidate’s Forum will take place in the courtyard by the amphitheater steps. Be sure to drop by and listen to your future leadership’s new ideas and eat yummy treats!
  • There will be an Ashland Trip meeting at lunch this Thursday and this Friday in M4. If you are going on the Ashland trip, it is mandatory that you attend one of these two meetings
  • Last chance to pre-purchase yearbooks. Cost is $90 and checks can be written to AHS and given to Ms. Radford. Cut off date is Friday, April 28. Some books will be available for purchase during distribution days in June. Questions? Email jradford@ausdk.12org.
  • AUSD SUMMER SCHOOL AUSD Summer School is currently enrolling students. This 4-week, free program will be held from June 25 - July 20 with a holiday taken on July 4. The program will be held at Cornell Elementary School. The courses being offered are English and History. Students who have failed an English or History class and need to make up those credits in order to graduate will be given priority enrollment. Students who have received a D in English or History may also request an opportunity to improve their grade in summer school, but enrollment to these students will be given on a first-come, first-served basis based on space in the program. Registration forms are now available in the counseling office.The deadline to register for AUSD Summer School is Friday, May 4 or before.  If you need to make up credits for English or History classes that you've earned a D or F in, please turn in your registration forms by May 4 or before. Early registration is encouraged as changes can me made up to the day Summer School begins.  Enrollment space is limited.  Forms are in the counseling office.
  • The next meeting of the Albany Music Fund will be this Saturday April 21, at 9:30am, in room 22 (the choir room) of the high school. Come get involved and we promise we will be done by 11!

College and Career

  • Are you a 9th, 10th or 11th grader wanting to take a community college summer course? Counselors are hosting a lunch time meeting Thursday April 19th in the little theater to discuss how to apply for summer and filling out concurrent forms.
  • Your counselors have set up a time  just for you to take placement tests at BCC Thursday April 19th at 1pm. Please sign up in the counseling office by April 17th.
  • Hey Seniors! Are you ready to plan your life after high school, but not sure what moves to make next? Consider attending the YMCA's College & Career Planning Day. Register online at career.yscholars.org.

Clubs and Teams

  • Best Buddies Club Meeting Thursday, April 19th during lunch in Room 219. Bring in your signed permission slips for the Friendship Walk happening on April 21st.
  • Come to Albany Key Club meeting in Room 302 at lunch!
  • Bake sale today after school for Bake for Charity Club, proceeds go to the art & theater department.


  • Boys/Girls Swimming @ 2:15
  • Girls Varsity Softball @ 2:30

Daily Bulletin - Friday, April 20, 2018


Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, April 17, 2018