Daily Bulletin - Thursday, March 1, 2018
No. 110
Block A Schedule
- Students: Albany Coming Together is looking for two students to be on the panel that reviews the District wide recommendations and helps move Albany forward with this important equity work. Meetings are once a month and stepping into this position would be a great opportunity for any student. For more information, please contact Principal Ritchie in the main office.
- The Spring Social Event of the Year is here! The Flashback Friday Dance will be from 6-10pm on Friday, March 16 at Memorial Hall. We’re selling tickets March 6-15 for $15, must bring signed dance agreement form. Join us for throwback bops and an unforgettable night of fun!
- Albany High will be the host site for the 2018 Div. IV boys/girls basketball championships this Saturday, March 3rd. Mr. Lopez is looking for a few responsible students to help with the admission table, shot clock & scoreboard. Students will get paid $50 for your work during the 2 games. Stop by the athletic office for more details.
- Senior panos are here! If you ordered one you can pick it up in the attendance office.
- The Albany Choirs Program is having a boba sale this Thursday, March 1st! Bring your friends and enjoy some boba! The sale will either be in front of the art building or in the atrium depending on the weather.
College and Career
- Job Shadow Day is coming... If you know anyone who would like to host one of our Juniors at their place of business for a day, please have them register at bit.ly/AHSjsd18.
- Attention Seniors! The AHS Local Scholarship and Purdom Family Scholarship applications are now available in the counseling office. One application makes you eligible for numerous scholarships, including some specifically for community college-bound seniors. Pick up your copy and return the completed applications to Ms. Burns no later than Friday, March 30th.
- The first review session for the 2018 AP Comparative Government exam will be held at 7 pm on Monday evening, 5 March, in Room 207.
Clubs and Teams
- One Heart Thursday during lunch in Room 211.
- Best Buddies Club Meeting will be held today during lunch in Room 219.
- Boys Tennis @ 2:45
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.