Daily Bulletin - Friday, October 26, 2018
No. 41
Block B Assembly Schedule
Friday, October 26th: Block B Assembly Schedule
Period 2 8:10 – 9:42
Break 9:42 – 9:52
Period 4 9:57 – 11:29
Assembly 11:34 – 12:20
Lunch 12:20 – 1:05
Period 6 1:10 2:42Principal Ritchie's Friday Ode to Homecoming:
Albany's Freshman class of twenty-two knew what to do,
And we watched the Sophomores of two-one make it look fun!
The Juniors of two-oh made us smile and say “whoa!”,
But our Seniors of nineteen, took their green jungle machine to heights unseen, in their push towards that graduation scene on June 14!Come to the Albany School Board Candidates Forum on Monday, October 29th at 7pm in the Little Theater! Speak with your social studies teacher regarding extra credit, as it will be offered by participating teachers.
Yearbook prices are about to increase by $5! Buy yours for $85 with a check payable to, “Albany High School” before November 1st for the lowest price possible.
Seniors: Achievers will be here during lunch in the atrium on 10/30 for last names A-L and on 10/31 for last names M-Z. Achievers will be taking orders for the cap/gowns, announcements, and class rings. The Main Office and Attendance Office has extra Achievers order packets available on the counter.
College and Career
Girl's Basketball tryouts will be on Monday, Oct. 29th from 4-6pm and Tuesday, Oct 30th from 4-6pm in the Albany High gym. You will need to be registered and cleared to tryout!
College-Bound Seniors: If you missed the Cash for College event at AHS on 10/10 and the College Day event at UC Berkeley on 10/20, but you still need help completing your FAFSA, visit getschooled.com/fafsa or text COLLEGE to 33-55-77 for assistance.
Girl’s Water Polo @ 2:00
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.