Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, September 19, 2017
No. 15
Block A Schedule
- It has come to our attention that some students have placed locks on lockers that were not issued by the attendance office. If you have moved into a locker withoutgoing through the attendance office, please come in and let us know by Friday, 9/22. Next week unauthorized locks will be removed and locker contents will be discarded from lockers that are not approved by the office.
- Flex Tutoring is right around the corner. If you are interested in being a tutor this year, please come to an informational meeting today at the beginning of lunch in M1.
- The Psat test will be on Saturday, October 14 at Albany High. The cost is $25 and students can pay on Myschoolbucks or with exact change or check payable to AUSD from the book room beginning Sept. 25.September 25-28: Juniors have priority. Sept.29 – Oct.3: Sophomores. Oct.11-12: All other students. More details are posted on the Albany High website and outside the book room. Please present your ID when registering at the bookroom.
- School pictures are available for pickup in the Attendance Office. Picture retakes will be on Friday, September 29.
College and Career
- Attention Jr’s & Sr’s, ages 16 and up: The District Attorney’s Justice Academy is now accepting applications. Daja is a great learning and working experience for those of you interested in pursuing the study of, and/or careers in, politics, social justice, law, and the justice system. For more information, visit, alcoda.org
Clubs and Teams
- Latino Club first meeting will be today at lunch in Room 212.
- Best Buddies Club Meeting: Thursday September 21st during lunch in Room 219.
- Gender Sexuality Alliance’s first meeting is on Wednesday @ Lunch in Room 109A.
- Come to the Cross Country talent Show on Thursday, September 21st to support your fellow Cougars! The show will be from 6 to 9pm, a $5 donation is requested.
- Calling all Key Clubbers! This Wednesday is our first meeting of the year! Come join us if you’re a returning or a new member! See you there!
- Hey Albany High! Key Club is hosting a fundraiser this Thursday from 3-9pm at Chipotle! Simply present our flyer either electronically or physically with your order and 50% of your purchase will go towards the Pediatric Trauma Program!
- The Model U. N. Club will meet Wednesday, September 20 at lunch in Room 207.
- Come grab some tasty treats outside of the art building after school on Wednesday!
- Come to Bake for Charity Club today at lunch in Room 128 in the Art Building! Everyone is welcome!
- Feminist club had a great club rush with 150 sign ups! Be sure to come by the meeting in Room 214B.
- Girls Tennis @ 2:30
- Freshman Volleyball @ 2:45
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.