SSC Minutes for March 12, 2020

School Care Presentation by Karen Bottwinick 

● background & purpose of School Care 

● goal is $300,00 

● recent year raised $349k 

○ funded full time library techs at HS and MS (historically had been funded with the District) 

○ 3 elective sections in Dance and Computer Science(HS) 

○ Portion of College/Career Coordinator (HS) 

○ Enrichment Instrction (Elementary) 

○ 1 full time counselor (MS) 

● There is a great deal of confusion with the different fundraising organizations in Albany 

○ School Care is unique in that it funds positions 

● District is once again facing cuts and community needs to come together to help encourage volunteering 

○ brochure drop over the weekend 3/14 & 3/15 

○ phone-a-thon/text-a-thon 

● The way they decide what to fund is by speaking with principals, SSCs, PTSAs, and a survey (students, parents, and staff) 

○ Middle school has a high rate of survey return (it is administered in homeroom) 

○ High School it varies 

■ a message from the principal and buy in from admin garners a better response percentage 

Doc# SP-3, 4.16.12 

■ the parents from the high school students have an incredibly low response rate 

● Superintendent has demonstrated a commitment to helping support a partnership with School Care 

LCAP Feedback will be shelved due to COVID-19 update 

● Local Control Accountability Plan 

○ how do we support students who aren’t achieving? 

● There is a feedback survey in the community 

○ Alexia will include the link and forward it to the Community 

Weighted GPA Update 

● IIC is still gathering information 

For the Good of the Order: 


● Precautionary exercises are currently in place 

○ poster campaign for hand washing went up today 

○ increse in disinfectent supplies for classrooms and school 

■ working with district to try and secure company grade products 

● No Current cases in district or schools 

● School Needs to Plan for What may happen next 

○ School Closure 

■ a distance learning model 

● planning days and followed by instruction 

● teachers will need days to plan and develop online curricula (at least 3-4 days) 

■ Concerns re: 

● students in Google Classroom (working with Jeff Castle to evaluate face to face/zoom options) 

● Student access to computers and internet 

○ internet could be provided to 

■ School cannot make this decision in a silo because the state mandates 180 school days of instruction 

● If the school were to close today then the class of 2020 would not graduate on their intended graduation day 

■ Principal has been informally gathering information from teachers and departments about what distance 

■ Planning week could potentially be waived 

■ Currently the school cannot shut down until their is an identified case 

○ Don Hoban shared that they just got IXL (a math program) 

■ it is not a perfect solution and he is not sure 

■ provides data about log-in and he can “see” them in the computer and whether or not they are idle 

■ there is not instructor interaction 

Doc# SP-3, 4.16.12 

■ not sure about its correlation with the CPM book 

■ shares that Khan Academy goes too fast and the problems aren’t leveled appropriately 

● it is appreciate that the leadership is indicating that the staff needs the training 

● Has the distict hired clearning service? 

○ the next step would be to bring in a deep clearning 

● Staff Development Day will not be a large group gathering 

● Would be helpful to provide students with links to where real information is present and not fake news 

○ reputable Instagram accounts for students follow 

● Question from Administration re Communicatoin: 

○ Too much informatio? 

○ Consistent Information from Leadership? 

○ Trying to find a balance between the 2 

● Parents feel that the tone of the district office communication is convuluted 

○ there should be clear and latent communication and specifically addresss the issue of waiver for instructional days 

■ the concern is if there aren’t symptoms in kids in the same way- then are there sick students and we don’t know it yet 

● There are precautions being taken 

○ if parents have concerns then they are invited to continue to express them 

● Over the next 2 meetings 

○ updates on GPA discussion 

○ present the draft of the site plan 

○ Site plan approval


SSC Minutes for February 13, 2020