SSC Minutes for January 9, 2020

  • Review of Agenda from previous meeting on 11/14/2019

  • Math Hour Feedback (as of Nov 13th): Review of feedback from participants in the math hour. AHS currently has a Math 1 and Math 2 intervention courses.  

    • Principal Ritchie noted that Math 3 students are utilizing the course after school.  

    • Librarian suggested using a google form survey during math class to inquire about how many students have been to math hour. Librarian is willing to work with the math department to create a google form in order to gather more data from students.

    • Principal Ritchie also suggested a different sign in sheet to help collect data from the Math Hour usage. 

    •  Student mentioned about half of the class would ask questions during math hour the other half of the students used the time to work independently during math hour.  Some students would work in groups in the math hour class. 

    • Site Plan is currently supporting Science and Math hour.  Principal Ritchie suggested looking at adding a Writing Support Hour.  

    • Counselor Durell would like to look at data trends in student performance in math with and without support classes in Math 1- 3. 

  • Review of FAQ for the Unweighted GPA Reporting at AHS

    • Principal Ritchie is soliciting support from Site Council to share with IIC .  

    • Counselor Durell gave background of class rank at AHS.  Last year, June 2019, the graduating class did not have ranking.  

    • Parent shared that she liked the changes in principal, but did not think that this would change the culture of AHS.

    • Parent shared that students may be more willing to take non-AP courses if the unweighted and weighted GPA are not listed on transcripts. 

    • Student shared that some students may be discouraged from taking an AP class if they know that do not get a grade bump. 

    • This is a first step to help level the playing field at AHS. 

    • 83% of AHS Staff is in favor of the change.

For the Good of The Order

*Librarian would like to offer tea and treats during finals week and asked for offerings for treats.  

*Librarian also commented that she has noticed a positive shift in cleanliness on campus.. 

* Challenge Day is offered for all 10th graders on Feb 3, 4, and 5th at AHS.  Everyday we need 25 adults and seek adult volunteers.


SSC Minutes for February 13, 2020


SSC Minutes for November 14, 2019