IIC Minutes for October 17, 2019

IIC  Committee Members

Alexia Ritchie, Larry Pratt, Kendra Knowles,  Anna Collins, Becca Burns, Kim Trutane, Yael Bloom, Joanna Totino, Fiona O’rourke, Hengyue Lian,

I.               Approval of minutes pushed to next IIC meeting

II.             Proposed future IIC meeting agenda item: CSU is moving toward a 4-year quantitative reasoning requirement.

III.           Proposal for Comp Gov to be transformed from a semester-long to year-long course (by 

            Just too much content (see proposal)!


How does this impact the master schedule?

If World Religions was eliminated due to under-enrollment, which students and teacher(s) would be impacted?  Class would likely disappear.  

Why was it a semester class?

It can and has been done as a semester course, but we have a lot of courses here that are “semester long” “College Board” courses that are taught as year-long courses.

Some students don’t want to take the World Religions class, but are locked in.

Is this course offered at neighboring high schools?  Is it a year-long course?

Most high schools do it as a year-long course.

Next Steps:

~ Run the proposal by the DCs to see if there are any suspected unintended consequences.

~ Check with Social Studies department for possible unintended consequences, or conflicts.

~ Check on UC and College Board approval deadlines.

~ Check on necessity of School Board approval? (per Kim Trutane)

IV.            Brainstorm a process for refining Student Learner Objectives (previously known as ESLRs)

LP wants to include input from various interest groups (IIC, admin)

Process might look like:

Refine the old ESLRs into SLOs

Also incorporate the district vision/mission.

What are the objectives we want all students to walk out with?

Current ESLRs:

-       Critical Thinking

-       Effective Communicators

-       Self-Directed Learners

-       Academically Prepared

What are the goals/purpose of the ESLRs/SLOs?  How do they add value?

This is a critical component for WASC.  There is a disconnect between the district mission and the ESLRs/SLOs.

Teachers need to be an integral part of the process if they are to take ownership of the SLOs.

How do we write and roll out the SLOs in a way that is authentic?

Is there a way to have the “Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful” to become age-appropriate SLOs?

Does PBIS have something age-appropriate? 

Continued next IIC meeting…

SLOs process brainstorm

Share-out: PD Committee: Restorative Practices


IIC Minutes for November 21, 2019


IIC Minutes for September 19, 2019