Daily Bulletin – November 17, 2021
Help the Albany High library honor Native American Heritage Month and celebrate native voices. Read our newest YA mysteries, poetry and nonfiction by native authors. Stop by and check out our display!
Consider The Homeless Club is having a winter clothing and sleep gear drive! Bins will be located in the front Atrium of the high school. The drive will start November 17th-19th, and 29th-3rd of December. Email Alethea DeLay, aletheamd24@ausdk12.org for more information.
Bake For Charity Club is holding a bake sale today after school in front of the art building. This month, all proceeds will go to the Native American Health Center.
To celebrate the Thanksgiving season, Key Club will be selling homemade pumpkin pies! Whole pies will be $12, half pies will be $8, and individual slices will be $2. Look for our flyers around campus for the preorder link and for more information!
There will be a boba sale after school tomorrow, Thursday the 18th, supporting leadership! Bring $5 and grab a cup on your way home from school!
SOFTBALL: There will be a meeting this Today @ 1240pm-1pm in the library for all ladies interested in playing Softball this season. Varsity & JV
WINTER SPORTS : if you are interested in helping out with game day operations for Girls or Boys Basketball please reach out to the Athletic Director zbabitt@ausdk12.org