Daily Bulletin – May 18, 2022
Just a reminder Prom Tickets are SOLD OUT, visit the bookroom during lunch to get put on the waitlist.
Don’t forget your Graduation Wristband tickets today during lunch time and after school in the Atrium. All Seniors should bring their school ID when picking up their writsband. Lost wristbands will not be replaced.
Yearbooks are here! Seniors - distribution and sales will take place after school this Friday. All other grades can pick up or purchase books after school on Monday. See posters around school for details.
Senior Panoramic pictures have been distributed. If you ordered one and never received it, please talk to Ms. Lau-Seim. We have a handful of extras, if you would like to buy one, bring $22 cash to the attendance office.
Seniors - It’s time to return all textbooks, novels, calculators and Chromebooks to the Book Room. Thank you Class of 2022!
The Giving Back club will have a bake sale on Tuesday, May 31st.
Bake For Charity is hosting a bake sale today after school in front of the art building. All proceeds will go to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Come to Amnesty’s Write for Rights letter-writing campaign this Friday at lunch in room 216! Support human rights activists.We'll supply letter-writing materials and,of course,candy.Your letters make a difference!All are welcome,bring your friends!DM us on Instagram @ahsamnesty with any questions!
Come root the Cougar softball team to victory today as they begin NCS play at home with a 5pm game at Cougar Field. All student-athletes: Our Cougar Celebration is tomorrow night at 7pm in the Gym. Be there!
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.