Daily Bulletin – March 21, 2022
Hey class of 23, 24 and 25 ....2 more days before your course selection is due. Any questions stop on by the counseling office at lunch for help.
Seniors and Juniors: you will need a school-issued chrome book for the upcoming CAASPP testing. Come to the Book Room and check one out if you haven't already. Please don't wait!
It’s the first day of Diversity Week! Today's theme is Religion and Culture . International Food Day is during lunch. Clubs will be selling delicious food and drinks on the Memorial Park basketball courts, on the side of Marin.Check your email for an info slideshow of what each club is selling.
Representation matters in what we read. Celebrate Diversity Week by checking out a book by an author of color or an author from a marginalized group, and get a raffle ticket for a gift card to a black owned bookstore. Raffle tickets available from March 21st to 23rd.
Congratulations to Leo Johnson and Ethan Walz on winning research and writing awards, and to Magnus Tangherlini and Alec White on earning commendations, at the UC Berkeley Model UN Conference held earlier this month!
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.