Daily Bulletin - March 5, 2020

No. 116
Block B Schedule


  • The AHS spring musical, The Adams Family has begun its run! Come see this creepy, kooky family endure one normal night so love can triumph. Tickets are available online or at the door. The final show is this Sun, go see it before it's gone!

  • If you're interested in taking English 3 Honors or AP Lit next year, you must attend one of two interest meetings. Come to the Little Theatre at the beginning of lunch on Tuesday 3/10 or Wednesday 3/11 for a 15 minute meeting.

  • Ready to make your next move the best move toward your future? Participate in the Spring 2020 Get Schooled Challenge and you'll be headed in the right direction... Visit and bookmark bit.ly/s2020GSC for study tips, college readiness and getting a job. Reward yourself for supporting yourself!

  • If you're interested in Linking Individuals to their Natural Community, then the LINC internship might be right for you. For details, visit ParkConservancy.org/LINC. The application is due this weekend.


  • Attention Seniors: Are you considering community college for next fall? Contra Costa College will be on campus Wednesday, March 11th in the Little Theater during lunch. Learn about their programs as well as steps for enrollment.

  • Interested in pursuing a law degree? Attend the Asian American Bar Association's Pathways to Law Conference at UC Hastings next weekend. Register at AABA-bay.com/pathways.

Clubs and Teams

  • There is a key club boba sale today after school in front of the art building.


Daily Bulletin - March 10, 2020


Daily Bulletin - March 5, 2020