Daily Bulletin - February 24, 2020

No. 108
Monday Schedule


  • Do you have good memories of elementary school? Come and help with Marin School's STEAM day! We will have science, math and art activities for students and their families. Volunteer to make sure this is a fun day by helping set up, assist supervising parent, and clean up.

    • March 14th , Saturday
      Set up 9-10
      Session 1 10-12
      Session 2 12:30-2:30
      Clean up 2:30-4


  • Attention Seniors: Interested in attending Berkeley City College next year? BCC will be on campus Thursday, February 27th in the Little Theater during lunch. Learn about their programs as well as steps for enrollment.


Daily Bulletin - February 26, 2020


Daily Bulletin - February 14, 2020