Daily Bulletin - January 10, 2020

No. 83
Block B Schedule


  • Seniors: Today in Advisory you will be verifying the spelling of your name for your diploma. There will be no changes made after today.

  • SENIORS - If you want to select your senior portrait or review your senior portrait selection for the yearbook, please see Ms Radford in Room 206 at lunch today.

  • Wellness Week is almost here! Join us next W/Th/F for Wellness activities during Break & Lunch designed to support you as you prepare for finals. Tea & snacks, relaxing music, DIY projects to alleviate stress, therapy dog visit, anxiety/stress reduction techniques, games, connecting & more!

  • Help support our students as they study hard! As part of Wellness Week, we will have a tea & snack station set up in the library. Please donate some healthy snacks to share -- sign up here: http://bit.ly/AHSwellnessJan2020

College and Career

  • Interested in SAT-prep help? Let us know by completing the interest inventory at bit.ly/preSATs20 to be notified when these opportunities arise!

  • ATTENTION SENIORS: The Kiwanis Club of Berkeley's Annual Scholarship is now available to be picked up in the counseling office. The deadline is coming up fas! It is due on February 6th so please be proactive and complete your application as soon as possible. Let Ms. Durell know if you have any questions.

  • Hey Cougars! Want to work the polls? Here's how... Sign-up with Alameda County's Registrar of Voters to assist at local polling places during the March 3rd Presidential Primary Election. Download an application at bit.ly/332020poll. Contact the Recruiting Unit at (510) 272-6971 for details.

  • Why Go To College you ask? Explore the many reasons why tomorrow at The WGTC Forum. Register at bit.ly/WGTC2.

Clubs and Teams

  • Spring Athletes! Softball, Baseball, Boys Tennis, Swimming, Track & Field! Remind your parents to register you through the www.familyid.com website. You can't tryout without being registered. Deadline is February 6th.

  • Enjoy Zachary's Pizza (at the Solano Avenue store) Monday January 13th and support Albany High Women's Soccer. Mention the women's soccer fundraiser with any order (in store or take out) between 11 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. and our women's teams receive a portion of sales. Thanks and go Cougars!


  • Girls Varsity Wrestling @ All Day

  • Boy’s Fresh/JV/Var Basketball @ 2:30


Daily Bulletin - January 13, 2020


Daily Bulletin - January 9, 2020