Daily Bulletin - Monday, September 9, 2019
No. 9
Monday Schedule
Lockers issued to 9th graders and new students at lunch this wk at the book room - Mon, Tues & Thur. Students must share a locker with a partner. Bring your own combination lock if you like. Continuing students email Ms. Pope for any locker changes.
MATH HOUR IS BACK! Starting Monday 9/9. Now in Room 308! Look out for fliers.
College and Career
College visits this week: Arizona, Berkeley, Bucknell, Chapman, Claremont McKenna, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Goucher, Holyoke, Illinois, New School, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Oberlin, Ohio Wesleyan and Union. See AHS website for dates/times. Sign up via Naviance.
AP Exam registration continues this week at the standard price. Late fees will be applied starting next week, so sign-up at TotalRegistration.net today! For more information about the new College Board process visit apstudents.collegeboard.org.
Clubs and Teams
We are still taking a few more girls for the girls cross country team. If interested, please show up to the track on Tuesday at 4pm.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.