Daily Bulletin - Thursday, May 9, 2019
No. 154
Block A Schedule
The AHS Library will be closed for AP Testing on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for much of the day because students will be taking AP exams in the library. Please be respectful if you see the closed sign. In particular, we will be closed at lunch and after school on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
Seniors: The Senior Retreat is on HOLD until further notice. We will keep you all updated.
Seniors: Please check with the library, bookroom, and athletic director to see if you have any outstanding fines to clear.
Peer Help Applications are due Friday, May 10th in the Counseling Office.
Attention dancers! Albany Dance Company is looking for new members for the 2019-2020 school year! Auditions will be held Monday, May 13 and Tuesday, May 14 from 3:50 pm to 5 pm in the AHS gym. Email Mrs. Baker or stop by to see her for more information.
College and Career
Seniors! The Albany Police Activities League scholarship deadline has been extended til May 24. Don't miss the chance to win some money for college! Application available in the Counseling Office.
Clubs and Teams
Hope Grows! Join Bring Change to Mind at lunch this Friday in M4 to plant your very own flowers.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.