Daily Bulletin - Thursday, May 30, 2019
No. 168
Block A Schedule
Starting next week, we have special library hours! On Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (June 3rd through 5th), the library will be open until 6 pm for extra study time! On Friday, June 7, the library will stay open until 3 pm. During finals week, the library will be open from 8 am til 3 pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Come to the AHS Library for a supportive study space.
10th graders who turned in forms for Thursday's UC Davis trip: we received many more forms than we can accommodate on the bus. If you haven't received and replied to an email from Ms. Parrott, you are on the wait list and should plan to attend regular classes on Thursday. Confused? See Ms. Parrott or Ms. Burns in the counseling office.
Come to the Art Show TONIGHT from 4-6pm. There will be work from all of the art classes on display throughout the atrium and art building. There will also be face painting, henna tattoos, and a photo booth in the MPR. Come support the arts and see all of the amazing work students have been creating all year long!
Seniors: Important reminder to pick up your graduation tickets. They are distributed daily after school at the end of the school day when all classes end. Please don't wait till the last minute!
Seniors: Please check with the bookroom and athletic director to see if you have any outstanding fines, textbooks, and athletic team gear to turn in.
College and Career
10th Graders: Do you intend to enroll in English 3 Honors next year? Be sure to attend one of the MANDATORY informational sessions on Monday, June 3, or Thursday, June 6, after school in the library from 3:45-5:15 p.m. At the session, we will go over the skills and competencies you will need to complete the required summer reading work and be prepared for the start of the new year.If you DO NOT come to either session, you will NOT be able to take to course. Feel free to contact Ms. Edber or Mr. Rusich if you have any questions.
11th graders enrolled in AP Lit next year: come to M2 after school Monday, June 3 or Tuesday, June 4 for a mandatory summer work session. We'll begin at 3:45 and end before 4:30. If you do not come to either session, you may be dropped from the course. Contact Ms. Park for more info.
Come pick up your AP Art History summer homework at lunch all this week in Room 215.
Attention all students who have signed up to take AP Comparative Government and World Religions next year: the meeting of the class will be held at lunch today. The meetings will begin promptly (ten minutes into the lunch period). You must attend one of these meetings.
SFSU will be teaching Steps to College courses at AHS next fall. Stop by room 201 on Thursday May 30th to learn more.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.