Daily Bulletin - Thursday, April 4, 2019
No. 133
Block A Schedule
Spring Break is next week, 4/8 – 4/12. There will be no school.
The AHS Library will be closed at lunch today, Thursday 3/4. Students have been leaving food and not cleaning up after themselves. Many food containers and debris have been left on tables and the floor -- Albany students can do better. We all need to work together to keep it clean, especially if you want the privilege of eating in the library.
Seniors: Please make sure that you look over the blue Senior Activities List. There are several important upcoming dates. Please stop by the Main Office to pick one up if you have misplaced the list.
Seniors: Remember that the extra graduation ticket request letter written by your parents is due by Friday, April 26.
College and Career
Important Information for AP Exam Students: This year's Pre-Administration session will take place on Wednesday, April 24th during lunch in the Little Theater. If you have not confirmed your personal identification information online with Total Registration, you must attend this meeting in order to take your exams. If you do not confirm your personal details with Total Registration and you do not attend a pre-admin session, you will forfeit your exams. Forfeited exams will not be refunded.
In today's college visit line-up we have: Simmons University. See details in the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session on Naviance.
Clubs and Teams
Come down to the atrium near the counseling office and write what lifts you up on Bring Change to Mind poster!
Computer Science club is holding a hackathon on April 26th! Come to Room 310 to pick up a form to sign up!
Change for Change meets this Friday in room 213. We will be planning for our spring change drive and International Food Day!
One Heart Meeting today in Room 211.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.