Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, March 26, 2019
No. 126
Block A Schedule
Diversity Week Phrases of the Day:
English: Let’s be friends!
French: Soyons amis!
Mandarin: Wǒ men zuò péng yǒu ba! 我们做朋友吧!
Spanish: ¡Seamos amigos!Albany High school is joining other students and educators from Alameda County to advocate for increased funding for education. That advocacy will take shape in the form of a rally in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 3. The purpose of the rally is to bring educators, students, communities & families together to advocate for the schools our children deserve. Those who attend this field trip will have an opportunity to hear school board members and educators speaking in support of increased funding for public education. If you are interested in attending this one day field trip to Sacramento on Wednesday, April 3rd, seats are limited and available on a first come basis. Please pick up a permission slip in the attendance office and see Ms. Reimuller or Ms. Ritchie for more information.
This Wednesday, 3/27, we will be on a modified Block B Assembly Schedule.
Are you interested in taking Dance 2 next year for PE 2 or VAPA credit? Come to auditions Tuesday, March 26 at 3:50 pm in the Multipurpose room! See posted flyers or Mrs. Baker for more details.
College and Career
Seniors- this is a reminder that the Local Scholarship Application and Purdom Family Scholarship Application are due by this Friday March 29 in the Counseling office. Scholarship are available for students planning to attend both 2 year and 4 year colleges, as well as vocational programs- copies are available in the counseling office.
In tomorrow's college visit line-up we have: Merrimack College at 8am. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) in Naviance.
Need some volunteer hours? Albany Coop PreSchool will be hosting their annual Spring Fair at Memorial Park on April 13th and would love some help. Come see Mrs. A in counseling office if you would like to volunteer.
Clubs and Teams
The First Annual Fundraiser information meeting for all the AHS clubs will be held on Thursday, 3/28 during lunch in the Little Theater. Ruben Moreno, the CFS representative (customfundraisingsolutions.com), will be explaining to the students how the fundraiser referral program works. Every student will receive 5 referral flyers at the meeting, every buyer referred by a student will mean additional $25 going to the club of the student’s choice. Flyers will be available in the Main Office.
Bua Luang Thai restaurant on lower Solano Ave. is holding a fundraiser for the Albany High Swim Team! Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the month of March, Bua Luang will contribute 15% of sales, for dine in, take out or online orders. Just mention the AHS Swim Team!
Come to Key Club meeting in Room 205 at lunch today!
Join Feminist Club today in Room 109A to talk about our plans for bake sales and International Food Day.
Boy’s Golf @ 2:15
Boy’s Tennis @ 2:30
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.