Daily Bulletin - Friday, February 15, 2019
No. 105
Block B Schedule
Principal Ritchie's food for thought: Establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups, is a key social skill. In order for that to happen, a healthy and confident relationship with yourself is needed first. I hope that the first Valentine you received this week, and each year going forward, is from you and to yourself. After that, you are ready to explore respectful relationships with others.
College and Career
AP Exam registration has ended. Any exams on accounts with unpaid balances will be canceled tonight. Visit bit.ly/AHSAP19 to pay now.
Seniors- Listen Up- New Scholarships are available in the Scholarship Box in the Counseling Office (Including Albany Police Activities League and the Villa Rotary Scholarship) Why not work on some applications next week and get money for college?? Pick up your copies today!!
Clubs and TeamsBoy's Basketball is in their second round of NCS tournament play! Come see them take on St. Joseph Notre Dame tonight at 7pm. The game will be played at Berkeley High School. GO COUGARS!
We are hosting the NCS Girls' Wrestling Tournament today and tomorrow all day in the AHS gym. Come see our successful girls team in action! Go Cougars!
Girl’s Wrestling @ All Day
Boy’s Wrestling @ All Day
JV Boy’s Baseball @ 2:00
Varsity Boy’s Baseball @ 2:45
Varisty Girl’s Softball @ 2:45
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.