Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, December 11, 2019

No. 71
Block B Schedule


  • Cougar families - there are 21 days left to give to our Cougar Challenge Campaign! Help us reach our $15,000 goal and go to this corrected link and give what you can -

  • https://www.gofundme.com/f/AHSCougarChallenge2019?utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet

  • Sports Basement is inviting Albany High to shop and get a discount of 20% from now until December 14th. All you have to do is become a Basementeer and AHS will earn $$. Take a picture of the flyer in the office or around the school to receive the discount.

  • Seniors, if you missed it...Senior Portraits are here again! Come to the Library Friday 12/13 from 3pm to 8pm.

College and Career

  • Sophomores and Juniors - PSAT scores from the October 19 test have arrived. Please come to the Little Theater to pick up your score report on Thursday 12/12 at lunchtime.

Clubs and Teams

  • The Albany Women's Wrestling Team is hosting their one and only dual meet this Wednesday at 5pm for their Senior Night! The team finished fourth in the state last year, and has some of the top-ranked girls in the country. Come root them on!


  • Staff/faculty announcement on 12/11: This is a reminder to all staff to please bring your classroom's lockdown box to the multipurpose room for today's all staff meeting. We will be inventorying their supplies. Thank you!


Daily Bulletin - Thursday, December 12, 2019


Daily Bulletin - Monday, December 9, 2019