Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, January 30, 2019
No. 93
Block B Alternate Assembly Schedule
Please note there is a non-standard assembly schedule today:
Period 2 8:10 – 9:37
Break 9:37- 9:47
Period 4 9:52 – 11:25
Assembly 11:29 – 12:29
Lunch 12:29 – 1:10
Period 6 1:15 – 2:42
This Wednesday, Albany High School will host George Elbaum, author of Neither Yesterdays Nor Tomorrows: Vignettes of a Holocaust Childhood. On Friday, students and staff are invited to join us for our follow up advisory forum facilitated by Leadership teacher Hannah Edber. Thank you in advance for being a respectful and reflective audience. For more information on the presenter and to preview the assembly slides, see links below.
Link to slides
Link to George Elbaum's website
College and Career
In tomorrow's college visit line-up we have: Grand Canyon University. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) in Naviance.
Clubs and Teams
Best Buddies Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 31st during lunch in Room 219.
Come to our Girl's Basketball Senior Night this Friday, Feb. 1st at 6:45pm in the AHS gym as the Cougars play Pinole Valley for their last game of the season! Go Cougars!
Black History Month is coming up in February, come spend it with BSU in Room 104 at lunch on Wednesday. If you are interested in purchasing a BSU T-Shirt, give Ms. Swan $15 this week
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.