Daily Bulletin - Monday, January 28, 2019
No. 91
Monday Schedule
Our Winter Assembly will be held on Wednesday, 1/30 instead of Friday, 2/1.
Remember, assembly schedule is: 2nd > Break > 4th > Assembly > Lunch
College and Career
In this week's college visit line-up we have: Grand Canyon University. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) in Naviance.
The Albany Library will be offering free ACT and SAT practice exams in February and March. Registration is required. Register online or at the library information desk.
General AP Exam registration continues today. Sign-up at bit.ly/AHSAP19 by the end of the month to avoid late fees!
Attention Seniors!: Do you want money... for college? There are scholarships for students planning on attending both 4 year and 2 year college programs! Please come check out the Scholarship Applications available in the counseling office. More detailed information is available on the AHS website.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.