Daily Bulletin - Monday, September 24, 2018
No. 19
Monday Schedule
Welcome to Albany High’s first Start with Hello Week! Every day this week will have a different task to help people feel more connected at Albany High. On Friday, wear green for Forget Me Not Friday. Green is the color of Sandy Hook Promise. Wear green to promote awareness of social isolation and to show your commitment to creating an inclusive community. The Advisory class with the most students wearing Green will win a donut party!
Monday is: Say Hey! Day: Try to say Hey! Or Hi! Or Hello! To Ten new people today. If someone new says “hi!” to you today, put a tally mark on the whiteboard outside the attendance office. Let’s fill it up!
Albany High will be offering the PSAT on Saturday, October 13 from 8:00 to noon. The cost is $25. Pay for the test on the MySchoolBucks website according to the grade schedule. After paying online, students should pick up a PSAT Student Guide from the book room any day between 8:00 - 1:00. Students can also pay with a check payable to AUSD (with student’s name on the memo line) outside the book room during lunch beginning Monday, September 24 for Juniors. No cash will be accepted. Juniors will have priority registration from Monday, 9/24 to Thursday, 9/27. Sophomore registration will be from Friday, 9/28 to Tuesday, 10/2. All other grades may register on Tuesday 10/9 and Wednesday 10/10. If you have financial need, please contact your counselor.
Need help with homework? Have a test coming up that worries you? Just need help making a plan for your homework? Then come by the tables in the main atrium at lunch any day to get help. Tutoring is free and we have tutors for all the major subjects.
College and Career
Hey Seniors! Were you or are you too busy to attend the college rep info session for your preferred institution? There's still a chance that you may be able to chat with a rep before school, on lunch or during your free period. On October 2nd, we will be hosting a virtual college fair. In order to attend, all you have to do is e-mail Ms. Parrott the name of a school who's rep you want to speak with and she will invite them to participate.
Attention college-bound Seniors! On Wednesday, October 10th at 6:30pm in the Library, we will be hosting a financial aid workshop to help you complete the FAFSA or CADAA. In order to attend, you must sign-up at bit.ly/C4C1819. Space is limited, so sign-up today!
In this week's college visit line-up we have: American, Vanderbilt, Haverford, UNLV and Academy of Art. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) in Naviance.
Clubs and Teams
Interested in learning sign language? Come to Room 204 at lunch on Monday for our first meeting at ASL Club.
Come to Chinese Club today in Room 215! We have food!
Monday 9/24: Thanks for participating in Start with Hello Week! Each day will have an optional classroom tie-in and a Teacher Challenge. Game on!
Classroom Tie-in: Warm-up or discussion questions: Why do you say Hello?
How do you feel when someone says “hi” to you? And/or: Do you know how to greet someone in a different language? How many ways to say “Hey!” can your class come up with?
And / Or Have you ever been lonely? What did you do? Related video: What it feels like to feel lonely animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjRRrG8Vr6I&list=PLwCi2yW9gMpJT6J1vGRq8EFJkU9ZUHQ49
Teacher Challenge: Say hi to 3 staff members you don’t know well.
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.