Daily Bulletin - Thursday, September 13, 2018
No. 12
Block A Schedule
Flex Tutoring is right around the corner. If you are interested in being a tutor this year, please come to an informational meeting today at the beginning of lunch in M1.
Michaela Weinstein and Audrey Mallah are your new School Board representatives. Please feel free to ask them any questions concerning your School Board and anything you would like to change about our school.
Pictures are Back! If your family purchased photos please come and see Ms.Landry in the attendance office before school, on your break or at lunch. Thank You
College and Career
September 20th is College Application Night 7pm to 8:30pm Little Theater. We will discuss post secondary options for students with the primary emphasis of this event being applying to 4- year college. Letter of Recommendation forms and process with specific deadlines will also be discussed.
In today's college visit line-up we have: Nova Southeastern University and Smith College. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) in Naviance.
Clubs and Teams
Speak is a community of student activists that have a weekly conversations about current events, issues of oppression, and we also facilitate conversations about social awareness and empathy in elementary schools. Interested? Come to Room M1 on Friday for our newcomers meeting.
Lunchtime Activities are here! Monday and Friday is Badminton in the gym. Wednesday is basketball in the gym. Please bring school ID to participate.
Come to Engineering Club today at lunch in Room 109B.
Speech and debate is having its first official meeting this Thursday, September 13, in Room M3. Get to meet new people and learn about tournaments. Everyone is welcome!
Best Buddies Party is today during lunch in Room 219.
Come support the volleyball team tonight against El Cerrito. Frosh game at 4pm, JV at 5:30pm, and Varsity at 7pm.
Girls Freshman Volleyball @ 3:15
Girl’s Golf @ 3:15
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.