Daily Bulletin - Tuesday, November 13, 2018
No. 52
Block A Schedule
Seniors: November 16th will be the senior panoramic photo during Advisory.
The culinary arts students will be making $10 gourmet staff lunches again on November 15 - this time featuring the foods of Italy. If you want to donate a lunch to a staff person, you can order on line and put the name of your gift recipient in the notes section. We will confirm the order details with them. Order online at: https://squareup.com/store/staff-lunches
College and Career
In today's college visit line-up we have: The University of Arizona. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) in Naviance
Hey Cougars! It's not too late to send a shout out to those who have served (or are serving) in the U.S. Armed Forces by going to bit.ly/TY4urSvc.
College Application lunch help in counseling office at lunch today and Thursday.
Clubs and Teams
Girl's Soccer practice for the next 2 weeks will be Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6-8 at Cougar Field
Choir is having a boba sale tomorrow! Come after school and get boba in front of the art building for $4!
Bake for Charity Club today at lunch in Room 128 in the art building.
Come to Key Club meeting in Room 205 at lunch today!
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.