Daily Bulletin - Friday, October 19, 2018
No. 36
Block B Schedule
Homecoming is upon us which means healthy and respectful competition is in the air everywhere! An important skill to practice at Albany High School is to successfully regulate your emotions, thoughts and behaviors in different situations, such as during homecoming. Help us preserve a safe, responsible and respectful school tradition that embraces "sportspersonship" in our school community. Go Cougars!
Hey Cougars! Homecoming is coming up and wouldn’t you like to feel like a winner, dress like a winner, and Be a winner? Stop by our Homecoming pop-ups located near the Art Building before and during break and the Gym Lobby during lunch and after school. We’re selling visors, bandanas, and glitter! Make this year the best year yet and be a winner! Check our Instagram ahshomecoming2018 for more information.
AUSD and The Albany Black Parent Engagement Committee invites all families to our 3rd Annual Meet and Greet! Come celebrate the new school year, say hello to good friends, meet the new principal of Albany High School and welcome all new families to Albany! Light refreshments provided! The event will be held on Saturday, October 20th from 11:00am-1:00pm at the Memorial Park picnic benches.
College and Career
Hey 11th & 12th graders College & Career Night is October 24th is from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. It starts off in the little theater, followed by two 45 minute workshops through out AHS. You get to select what work shops you would like to attend. Check your school email for more detail regarding specific workshops.
In today's college visit line-up we have: the University of Washington. On Monday morning Claremont McKenna College will be on campus - followed by Northwestern, Clarkson, Montana, Marymount, LSU, CalArts, Minnesota, and USC later in the week. For details go to the AHS online calendar. Sign-up to attend the info session(s) in Naviance.
The SAT is coming... Be prepared for its arrival by taking a prep workshop at UC Berkeley next weekend. Register at bit.ly/ptpsworkshopfall2018.
Clubs and Teams
Just a reminder that Winter Sports Registration is open until Oct. 25th at 3:00pm! Tryouts begin Oct. 29th. Go to the Athletics website at goalbanyathletics.org to register for Girl's and Boy's Basketball, Soccer or Wrestling. You will need to have a signed medical form uploaded to your registration to participate.
Theater People! Come to Memorial Park picnic tables today at lunch. We’ll be announcing our Spring Musical and information about our scene showcase! Actors and techies welcome, see you there thespians!
Stop by Bake for Charities bake sale today after school. All proceeds go to Spirit of Children.
Come to Albany Anti-Bullying Club Friday in Room 213. We’ll have food! Everyone welcome.
Join Bring Change to Mind Club to end stigma around mental illness! We meet Fridays in M4. We will be making stress balls and talking about how we can cope with stress.
Come to Film Club in Room 201 on Friday at lunch! We’re going to be watching something very scary for Halloween- Scooby Doo!
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.