Daily Bulletin - Friday, September 22, 2017
No. 18
Block B Schedule
- Principal Ritchie's Friday food for thought: While watching students come and go to school, I'm impressed with a simple but very respectful gesture of holding doors open for the person who follows. It reminds me of the way that people think of those around them in the community who need help, something to eat or simply a smile as they pass in the hallway. Thank you for thinking of those that follow when you keep the door open.
- It has come to our attention that some students have placed locks on lockers that were not issued by the attendance office. If you have moved into a locker without going through the attendance office, please come in and let us know by Friday, 9/22. Next week unauthorized locks will be removed and locker contents will be discarded from lockers that are not approved by the office.
College and Career
- Attention Students and staff: planning for Career Day 2017 is underway! If your parent or partner has an interesting occupation, or you know any local professionals that would be interested in presenting to AHS, please send them to bit.ly/AHScd17 to complete the Speaker Interest form.
- Hey Seniors: Financial aid night is on Wednesday, September 27th from 7:00-8:30pm in the Little Theater. Financial Aid applies to 4 year college/universities, community colleges and career training schools. Don’t miss out on hearing about how to pay for your future.
Clubs and Teams
- Come to the Robotics Club meeting on Friday in Room 310.
- Come to the Unicef meeting today at lunch in Room 211, everyone is welcome!
- To all members of the Science Olympiad Club, please remember that we are meeting Monday, after school, in Room 201.
- Come to Quizbowl at lunch today in Room 215 for fun Jeopardy style trivia and food.!
- Are you interested in playing on the JV/V girls soccer team this year? If so, there will be a mandatory meeting for all interested students on Monday, Sept. 25th after school at 3:45 in Room 309. See you there!
- Come play intramural badminton at lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the gym and bring student I.D.
- JV Football @ 2:00
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.