Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, October 25, 2017
No. 40
Block B Schedule
- Seniors: Important Cap and Gown Information is needed on Wednesday, 10/25. On Wednesday during Advisory you will be filling out cap and gown color and size information. Your Advisory teacher will have the form.
- Swing by Venture for your Homecoming products! Affordable, cute, and convenient. Come down to the gym lobby and check it out.
- The lost and found is full of items left at homecoming events. Please check the Attendance office for lost items.
College and Career
- Hey 10th and 11th graders Tonight is College Information Night do not miss out on a great night filled with useful information to figure out what is the best next steps for you after high school.
- In today's college visit line-up, we have Columbia College and Mills College. See the whiteboard for details.
- This is the last week you will be able to sign-up for college visits in the Counseling Office. All future college visit sign-ups will have to be done in Naviance. Confirmations will be sent to your AUSD e-mail address so be sure to check it daily.
- Want to travel during Spring Break? Interested in Environmental Leadership and Cultural Exchange? Attend the Global Student Embassy info session on Friday at lunch in the Main Office Conference Room.
Clubs and Teams
- The Model UN Club will meet during the first 15 minutes of lunch today. The meeting is mandatory for all students attending this weekend’s workshop at Cal!
- Math Club will be selling boba after school this Thursday for $3 each.
- Interested in exploring Jewish culture? Join Kehillah Club! Email Emma Pedersen at emmaup20@ausdk12.org to find out more. All are welcome!
Hungry? Check out today's lunch menu.