Daily Bulletin – June 1, 2022
Today Finals schedule:
5th period final:8:30 - 10:30
Break:10:30 - 10:40
7th period final:10:45 - 12:45
Reminder: Lunch will be available every day after school this week.
Book Room open 8 am - 2 pm during finals and open open until 4 pm on Thursday, June 2nd. Seniors clear your fines by Thursday 4 pm to receive your diploma at commencement ceremony.
All students with an elevator key should return it by June 3rd in the Main office. If key is not returned, we will keep your deposit.
Graduation extra wristband tickets will be available Today. Break time and after school in the Atrium. Make sure the bring your school ID.
Student athletes must turn in all uniforms to the box in the front office ASAP. There is a fine of $50 for all missing uniforms and additional charges for gear. Diplomas/transcripts will be withheld if not returned.
Varsity Athletes! Please take a minute to fill out your evaluation of this year's sports experience. Your feedback is important as we work to improve the Cougar athletic program.