AHS Library Serves Students During Distance Learning

The Albany High Library is a great resource for students during distance learning. Our librarian, Ms. Scheuer, is supporting all our students accessing Google tools and Zoom classes -- please reach out to her if you’re having trouble.

If students are having trouble, they should:

  1. Try to problem solve on their own (try Googling it!)

  2. Ask friends or family for help.

  3. Ask their teacher for support.

Library open hours.jpg

If none of these work, contact Ms. Scheuer for help (email: mscheuer@ausdk12.org or text: 510-779-2737‬). She’s happy to see if she can find the best solution for you.

Would you like to check out a book from the AHS Library? Students may check out up to 10 books! Three easy steps:

  1. Look at our catalog or Goodreads to find a book you want to read.

  2. Fill out this Book Request Form, so we can have your book ready for you.

  3. Come to AHS on Friday between 9am and 4pm.

I’d like to introduce our new library techs: Mary Ernst and Margaret Glendening will be helping our students this year. Many thanks to Mary, Margaret and SchoolCare for their support of our library program -- it’s invaluable!

Mary Ann Scheuer
AHS Teacher Librarian


Purchase Your 2021 Yearbook


Frustrated with Distance Learning? - Townhall by Disability Rights CA this week!