SchoolCARE Still Cares!

Dear Albany Community,

On March 13, SchoolCARE volunteers picked up stacks of brochures, intending to deliver one to every home in Albany--as we’ve done every spring for years. The brochures never got there, because that was when the schools closed and launched us all into unknown territory.

It’s too early to know what’s going to happen to our district, although the forecasts are tough to take in. But we’re already reevaluating our fundraising and how we can best support our kids--and the people who teach them--during this crisis and beyond.

Because here’s what we do know: This cloud will lift eventually, and our schools will reopen. When that happens, we want to be ready. Ready to fund threatened positions. Ready to ensure access to art, drama, dance, and other enrichment Ready to open our school libraries. Ready to support the counselors helping students navigate what adults can barely comprehend.

In the upcoming weeks, we’ll reach out with suggestions on how we can all help each other and our community. We’ll continue our unwavering mission to support the people who support our kids And we’ll finally be (safely) dropping off our brochure! (For a sneak peek, check out the digital version below. We hope it reminds you of the amazing work we’ve accomplished together.)

If you’re missing the faces of Albany community members, teachers, and kids, watch our SchoolCARE video. When we finished it just a few months ago, it was a much more optimistic time—but we truly believe we can get there again, together.

Finally, we understand that this crisis affects many in our community, but if you’re in a position to help the people who help our kids, a donation of any amount is deeply appreciated.

Thank you, as always, for your support. We are so grateful. We hope you and your family are well.


All of our best during this different and difficult time,
The SchoolCARE Board of Directors

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